sadhu Bhoj
sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj sadhu Bhoj

Program initiated with cordial invitation of Sadhus at Sadhu bhoj on 2070-9-10 by Swami Shree Haridas ji.
Swamiji and didi respectfully washed their feet and welcomed whole heartedly with garland and tilak. This was followed by lunch .A gift package consisting of useful materials  and dakshina were then offered to the Sadhus. All the Sadhus were very pleased to get such hearty welcome and offerings from Swamiji and didi.
            The above event was followed by Sadhana. Later the same evening, "Merry Christmas" was celebrated in graceful presence of swamiji and didi which was followed by "lootan"  which is a wonderful way of distributing sweets by throwing it in a all directions.
The day concluded with Yugal Sarkar Arati and Jagadguru Aarati.

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