Stretcher Distributi​on Program
Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program Stretcher Distributi​on Program

Stretcher Distributi​on Program organized by Shyama Shyam Dham Thimi, in presence of Swami Haridasji at Pashupati Aryaghat.Swamiji hand over Stretchers to Dr. Govind Tandon ( Member Secretary of Pashupati Area Developmen​t Trust) for Pashupati Aryaghat

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